HER CHOICE at the Girls Not Brides Global Conference last week!

Last week HER CHOICE was at the Global GirlsNotBrides conference, during which 500 international partners shared their experiences, lessons learned, stories, obstacles, and successes in fighting against child marriages worldwide.


In this picture, the joint presentation of the HER CHOICE poster by representatives of 8 HER CHOICE countries present at the Girls Not Brides Global Meeting. From right to left: ICDI – International Child Development Initiatives‘s Director Mathijs Euwema, The Hunger Project Nederland‘s Impact Broker Catelijne Mittendorff, CWIN Nepal‘s Programmes Director Rashmila Shakya, HER CHOICE’s programme manager and Kinderpostzegels‘s Odilia van Manen, and The Hunger Project Benin’s Programme coordinator Elodie Iko.




In the closing session, co-founder and chair Mabel van Oranje talked passionately about where Girls Not Brides stands today: “There is a tremendous amount of respect in our Partnership. It has allowed us to have difficult conversations and to learn from each other.”




A dedicated Insights Team covered the Global Meeting and concluded: “Our field has matured. We know more about married girls, the link between child marriage and pregnancy. We talked about changing social norms, youth-led organisations and engaging men and boys. The emphasis was on sharing and learning.”

It was indeed a great experience, a lot of energy, sharing and mutual learning.

Her Choice is very proud to be part of this!


credits: middle paragraph and picture Girls Not Brides