
Inspiring meeting in Benin
Around 50 representatives from 19 partner organisations of the…

Day 4: a great closing of the Her Choice Regional Meeting in Nepal
Our Her Choice Regional Meeting in Nepal has come to an end with…

HER CHOICE L&L East Africa – part 4: there is a (small piece of) airport at Hawassa airport!
(Continued from part 3)
The next day starts with discussing…

HER CHOICE L&L East Africa - part 3: if we harm our girls, we harm ourselves!
(Continued from part 2)
The next day the 30 HER CHOICE coordinators…

HER CHOICE L&L East Africa – part 2: there is a lot of power in empowerment!
(Continued from part 1)
It appears that, indeed, that…

HER CHOICE organizes 'linking and learning' event on child marriage for partners in Bangkok
Next week, worldwide partners within the HER CHOICE programme…