Quote of the day: linking and learning event on child marriage Bangkok

From Ambreen Ajaib, Executive Director, Bedari

“I was excited to hear from Mieke Vogels (Foreign Affairs) about the commitment the Dutch government has shown to ending violence against women and improving Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR). The fact that she is here and the Ministry will continue to prioritise SRHR is evidence of this commitment. Such an attitude is necessary by every government in order to improve the situation of girls worldwide”. 

This week, worldwide partners within the HER CHOICE programme – creating child marriage-free communities – will meet in Bangkok. Dutch partner International Child Development Initiatives (ICDI) organizes a five day linking and learning event to bring professionals together to build relationships, develop strategies and to learn skills in developing psychological well-being of children growing up in these difficult circumstances. Attendees are colleagues from CWIN Nepal, Bedari, Pakistan, Dalit and The Hunger Project Bangladesh and ESD Ethiopia. Also attending are Mieke Vogels (Senior Policy Advisor) from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Odilia van Manen (Alliance Coordinator) from Kinderpostzegels.

Linking & learning forms an important element of the HER CHOICE programme. The members of the HER CHOICE alliance all have their own fields of expertise. By working as an alliance they complement each other. Activities to promote linking and learning are organized at local, national and international levels. In order to share knowledge, experience and lessons learnt and to widen support networks. For more information about the HER CHOICE-programme, click here.