Monitoring and training visit to Sierra Leone for child marriage

ICDI’s Steven Smith and Mathijs Euwema are in Sierra Leone this week to visit our HER CHOICE partner One Family People. HER CHOICE aims to build child marriage-free communities in eleven countries.

Besides programme management and monitoring, Steven and Mathijs will visit a health center which provides SRHR training (Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights) for health and community workers. Purpose of this visit is to meet those delivering the SRHR training and talk with them about the method and strategy of their work, the how they engage young women and to discuss with the local staff and trainers how girl friendly the service really is.

A second field visit – meeting with recipients of small business grants – will take place to measure the impact of the programme and to interview recipients.

Child marriage is a widespread phenomenon which endangers the healthy development and well-being of girls and young women all over the world. Each year, 15 million girls get married before the age of 18. Click here to read more about HER CHOICE